News Impacting The Hunting Community
We feel it is very important for the hunting community to keep up on today’s news involving the sport of hunting. Many of the articles, videos and links posted here will shed light on the multitude of threats that hunters face today including the groups, companies and politicians behind these threats. As a member of My Hunt Connection, we encourage you to contact us at memberservices@myhuntconnection.com with important news from your state, community and country that you would like us to post here.
- This is an important site to bookmark. This is the NRA’s political victory fund page that shows what current elections are happening and which candidates are pro-2nd amendment and which ones are not. This is based on a grade rating A to F. You should always check this site before casting your vote for any candidate. If you want your elected officials to back your right to own firearms and hunt, check here first.https://www.nrapvf.org/
- This article was posted by the NRA Hunters’ Leadership Forum on 15 anti-hunting organizations that we should all be aware of. https://www.nrahlf.org/articles/2018/10/31/15-scary-anti-hunting-organizations-to-watch/
- Here is a great article posted by the Outdoorwire.com about how SCI is fighting against big-tech censorship of hunters.https://www.theoutdoorwire.com/releases/f152a158-780c-41c4-b619-791f6bfe19d0
- Safari Club International’s petition to stop big-tech censorship of hunters and hunting.https://act.safariclub.org/iX4xFvs
- Another article from the NRA on social media bans of hunting related material. https://www.americanhunter.org/content/how-hunters-are-adjusting-to-social-media-bans/
- Here is an article from Outdoor Life on social media bans on hunting related material.https://www.outdoorlife.com/opinion/should-hunters-shooters-give-up-social-media/
- If you’re not familiar with the World Economic Forum, you need to be. This organization is at the forefront of global government, social-economic change and they host an event each year in Davos, Switzerland where many of the world’s governmental leaders, business leaders, banking leaders and other “elites” meet to plan a future for our world that isn’t one that most Americans want. Much of their plan involves eliminating or restricting most of the basic freedoms that we enjoy in the United States including gun ownership and even the right to consume meat. Here are a couple of articles from their website that specifically impact shooters, hunters and the sport of hunting, but you should familiarize yourself with this organization because they are a threat to all freedoms.
- World Economic Forum on how we’ll all be eating replacement meats within 20 years. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2019/06/you-will-be-eating-replacement-meats-within-20-years-heres-why/
- World Economic Forum on how eating meat is endangering our planet. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2019/06/our-taste-for-meat-is-endangering-our-planet/
- Here is an article from the New York Post showing the extracurricular activities going on at the W.E.F. Davos Conference. Really shows the character of these people.https://nypost.com/2023/01/18/prostitutes-charge-davos-attendees-2500-a-night/
- A great article from Eagle Forum on the plan to end meat consumption by 2030. As you’ll see in this article, this group is largely funded by Michael Bloomberg who is an avid opponent of the 2nd amendment. https://eagleforum.org/publications/insights/american-cities-plan-for-no-meat-no-dairy-and-no-private-vehicles-in-seven-years.html
- This is a video from Glen Beck on the group that is trying to eliminate meat consumption by the year 2030. This is actually his rebuttal to the fact-checker’s claims that his report was false.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMu9BWwd_-E
- This article from Newsweek talks about how Bill Gates is buying up hundreds of thousands of acres of farmland in 16 plus states. Knowing that Bill Gates is an avid supporter of the World Economic Forum, which he attends every year and is also an avid supporter of meat replacement products, why do you think he would be interested in purchasing so much of America’s farmland? Although he downplays the reasons, we should all be greatly concerned. Anyone interested in eating soy-based meat replacement products for the rest of your life?https://www.newsweek.com/bill-gates-sustainable-agriculture-champion-americas-biggest-farmland-owner-1562072
- Here is an article from Forbes about how China is also buying up hundreds of thousands of acres of U.S. farmland. It also shows a list of other foreign countries who also own hundreds of thousands of acres of U.S. farmland. This is concerning on two fronts; as American citizens, our most precious resource, our farmland, is being bought up by foreign countries. This includes China who is no friend to America. It also means that hunters are losing tens of thousands of acres of prime hunting ground every year. https://www.forbes.com/sites/emilywashburn/2023/03/01/how-much-us-farmland-does-china-really-own-more-than-bill-gates-and-less-than-17-other-countries/?sh=13ffb164421f
- This is an article from Idaho statesman on how social media site users are harassing, criticizing and even threatening hunters on popular social media sites.https://www.idahostatesman.com/outdoors/hunting/article238000284.html
- Here is an article from Townhall that shows 200 businesses whose leaders are backing gun control initiatives. You’ll notice on the list Microsoft, and Alphabet, Inc., which owns Google and Youtube.https://townhall.com/tipsheet/bethbaumann/2021/02/21/these-are-the-roughly-200-businesses-whose-leaders-are-backing-gun-control-initia-n2585088
- This is an article from PBS from 2022. They asked all 100 US senators what action should be taken on guns after the tragic Uvalde, Texas school shooting. I found it interesting that most of the Democrat respondendents talked about the same old agenda of universal background checks, loopholes, assault weapons bans (“assault weapons” account for a very small percentage of gun violence in the US), etc. Most of the Republican respondents talked about more realistic and rational approaches like enhancing school security and increasing penalties for violent crimes and gun crimes and fully funding our law enforcement agencies. Most democrat politicians seem to think that defunding the police, being soft on violent crime and taking people’s means of protecting themselves away by eliminating or limiting their ability to lawfully own a firearm, is the way to stop violent crime in this country.https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/what-action-should-be-taken-on-guns-we-asked-every-senator
- Here is another video from Glenn Beck where he interviews a cattle rancher who talks about the threats to his industry and the war on meat consumption that is being waged in our country and the world.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_rNH7guM98