Do you believe you have a God given right to hunt? Do you believe the 2nd Amendment gives ALL law abiding citizens the right to own firearms? Do you believe the 1st Amendment gives you the right to post freely on social media platforms without the fear of being banned or censored? Do you believe that American land should be owned and controlled by American citizens? Do you believe in conserving and protecting our lands, our wild animals, and our natural resources so that the sport of hunting can live on for generations to come?
In an era where parts of our society are anxiously engaged in trying to destroy our history, traditions, values, and the “American way of life”, we feel it is of vital importance to preserve the things that make this country great. Hunting is a tradition that is an important part of our history and our heritage. It is imperative that we take a stand against the many threats that seek to destroy our hunting heritage and that seek to destroy so many of the freedoms that we cherish.
Some of the greatest threats to our hunting heritage are big tech companies, including most social media companies, along with their owners and executives. Here are some of the ways they are threatening our hunting heritage:
1) They support & finance politicians who promote restrictive gun control laws and who seek to destroy
our 2nd Amendment right. If we lose the 2nd Amendment, we lose our right to hunt too!
2) They support and finance groups that seek to end hunting and meat consumption.
3) Many contribute to and support anti-hunting organizations like The Humane Society of the United
States, PETA, World Wildlife Fund and many others.
4) They ban and censor hunters and hunting content, along with companies and organizations that
promote hunting or hunting related material like firearms.
That is why we created My Hunt Connection. It is a first of its kind social media site and online member community designed EXCLUSIVELY for hunters. Here, you won’t have to worry about being banned or censored. Here, you won’t have to worry about supporting companies who are actively trying to destroy your hunting and shooting rights. Here, you won’t be involuntarily funding organizations that are anti-hunting and anti-2nd amendment. Here, you won’t be harassed by anti-hunting, anti-gun users of other social media sites. Here, you’ll be supporting a company that supports you and who will use its resources to protect and defend your hunting heritage. Here, you will find nothing but hunting related content.
If we wish to preserve our hunting heritage for ourselves and our children, it is imperative that we become educated to the serious threats that our sport faces and that we spread the word to every hunter that we know. We need to stop supporting and funding all of these organizations, companies and politicians that want to take away our right to shoot and hunt. If we continue to support them, we risk losing those rights along with many other freedoms that our Constitution provides.
So, please join our site and start inviting every hunter you know to join our site. Let’s move away from the big social media websites that do not support hunters and hunting, and who seek to take that God given right away from us.
**Upcoming Site Features**
* Hunt Sweepstakes: Free, Fully Guided Continuous Hunt Giveaways
* Other features are in the works and will be announced here once they are close to being launched
Personal profile page to share your hunting stories, pictures, links and other content with your “huntin’ buddies” and fellow members.
A marketplace where you can buy and sell hunting and outdoor gear with fellow members.
Access to current news and events so you can keep up with the latest happenings in the hunting world.
Private forum boards where you can get answers from other hunters to questions you might have about hunting in other states and units or to get help with any other questions you might have.
Member Braggin’ Board to share pictures of your trophies and hunts. Plus, the Hunter’s Kitchen where you can share your favorite wild game recipes and find new ones to make your wild game dining experience better than ever.


All members are automatically entered into our free gear giveaway!